Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday) is interpreted as Pancake Day -- an opportunity to use up all the eggs, butter, and milk that would otherwise spoil during Lent. But since we usually make pancakes multiple times week (and occasionally multiple times a day), I thought I'd record the variety of pancakes consumed this week.
Tuesday morning: American pancakes with Nutella.
Cami's lunch: leftover pancake "sandwich" with Nutella (she purposely reserved two pancakes during breakfast for this purpose).
Supper: Scandinavian pancakes
Cami's Faith in God activity at church: English pancakes with strawberry filling.
Wednesday supper: German pancakes.
Friday breakfast: buckwheat pancakes (a favorite for Graham to make when he and I are the first ones up).
Saturday morning: Swedish pancakes with powdered sugar or strawberry glaze.