Yesterday, despite icy roads, the members of the Emmaus Community came to pick up our bedroom-cum-living-room furniture. It's like we have a brand new room. I was afraid Cami & Graham wouldn't respond well to the change, but when Cami walked through the front door after school, she immediately gave it her stamp of approval. Rosie & Graham are loving all the space. They are happily playing downstairs right now.
With the big change of simplifying the living room, lots of little purges have occurred. There was a lot of paper stored in those drawers that are in recycling bags right now. Jason is currently on an errand run that includes a stop at a charity shop (aka thrift store) to get rid of unused books & clothes.
With a bit more determination, things will be spick-n-span when spring fever hits.
Hooray! May there be lots of dancing and play on your open floor.
I agree with that. I always find myself cleaning to get through the winter doldrums. I'm glad they love the new space!
i just hate cleaning LOL
Fun! I love getting rid of stuff that I won't miss. I dropped off a few bags of stuff this morning!
thanks for stoping by on my blog.
first, it's in portuguese .. i know that not many people can speak portuguese (exetp for brazilian and portuguese people) and that's OK. i used to post stuff in portuguese and in english, but it was very time consuming so i gave up.
thanks anyway for stoping by
This is just what I need to do. I am so bad at tossing stuff but my husband is great. So I tell him to have at it but not to tell me!
Oh, I bet that feels great to have all that stuff taking up space out. I have been doing a ton of Cleaning around here in anticipation of Spring.
I always feel so renewed when we have a big clearout Star!! Spring really is just around the corner! xxoo
Where have you been? I miss your blogs! I hope all is well.
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