Wednesday, July 23, 2008

One Week Left in NJ

The packers took away most of our things yesterday.  We've got some random bits of furniture, but basically we're camping indoors.  Cami & Graham are in sleeping bags in their room.  Jason slept out on the futon in the living room & Rose & I snuggled up in blankets on the floor of my room.

With our house virtually empty, it somehow seems even messier than usual.  It's hard to be motivated to wash & put away dishes even when we're working with the bare minimum.  Even though we've got another week here, it's mentally taxing to think about cooking.  I reprimanded myself this morning because I know that now is a time when it's absolutely vital that we are getting proper nourishment.  

Despite the lack of housewares, we have good adventures planned for this last week in New Jersey.  We'll meet my sister & her family in Pennsylvania tomorrow so that they can be introduced to Rose.  Jason & I will keep our promise to the kids to go to the "train museum" one final time, while giving them play time with their cousins.  The other items on that "one last time" list are the Staten Island Ferry, the "tree house library" at Princeton University's Firestone Library, and Independence Hall in Philadelphia.  I think we can do it!


The Windy City Duo said...

Wow! Coming up so quickly. I can't believe it. It has, in some ways, seemed so unreal. I think it is beginning to hit me - how far away England is. I better go get my computer camera.

Tricia said...

I think it is so smart to stay busy right to the end. Keeps your mind off the things you can't actually do anything about until you are standing on British soil. Have fun!

Jeanne said...

Sounds like you have a lot of "memory-makers" planned for this last week! Hope you have lots of fun "family time", and a great time in St. Louis, too. Love you lots!