Thursday, July 10, 2008

Visa. Check.

When I received an email yesterday with the subject of "Visa" I was sure something annoying had made its way through Gmail's amazing spam filter. But then I realized that it came from the British Consulate in Manhattan, confirming that a nameless diplomatic office worker had actually seen my visa application and ought to give me permission to reside in England within five days. Forty-five minutes ago I received an email saying that my visa was issued; I must say that I appreciate British punctuality!

One more item to check off the list!


Tricia said...

Very well done. Dan's company screwed mine up before we went so Courtney and I had to leave the country and come back in. They weren't very nice about it either!

Sarah said...

It's always nice to check something off the list, and it's a pretty important one at that!

Marie Rayner said...

Woo Hoo!! Everything is falling into place Starr!!! Little things like this make the transition so much easier. I hope everything else goes as smoothly! (((hugs)))

The Windy City Duo said...

Oh Starr - you are making this feel oh too real. I am so happy for you guys and I so wish that I could just telaport myself to where you are.

celine said...

i guess the monday before our thursday departure was punctual for turkey. :) Yay for the U.K.!