Saturday, June 20, 2009

Rain & Shine

Graham had the day off school yesterday, so after I dropped Cami off at class, we headed to my much loved outdoor space, Bolton Abbey. We climbed up the hill opposite the Abbey & through the fields. The clouds threatened rain & just before lunch we got pretty wet, but I have now confirmed that I love the Yorkshire Dales even when the day isn't gloriously sunny.

The hiking trails we took went through this farm. I saw the roses climbing above the door & told Jason, "I want the life that goes with this house." (The Kodak image life of spending the days hiking & then having gloriously simple dinner parties on the patio with friends & laughter.)
Just before lunch and just after the rained stopped.

Graham sat on this "stair" in the wall while he ate lunch.
The beginning of our hike. Two hours later, on the way down the hill, Graham aided erosion at this very spot.

1 comment:

Sacto Cat Woman said...

Don't all women sometimes long for a simple sort of life? I picture a kitchen garden where cutting flowers grow along side veggies and herbs. Like your imaginary home, friends would drop in and we would have soup or a casserole and good company and everyone would want to linger. This is why I always love your blog (that and the pictures of cute kids)!