Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Opposite of a Forehead

We're having a lazy, post-vacation (I'll post on our trip to St. Albans later) morning. Jason is making waffles, about half of us are dressed for the day (Rose & Graham are still in 'jamas), and it's a cloudy, rainy view out the kitchen door.

But no lazy morning would be complete without a tearful three year old throwing himself on the floor. He's become aware in the eight months that we've lived here that a tile floor is not the softest place to crash his head when he throws himself down. It's very funny to watch Graham spread-eagle himself on the floor with violence & then gently lower his head to floor-level.

He just started crying again, post-tantrum, insisting that I take Rose off my lap, so he could occupy it. When he climbed up, he told me, "I need a kiss. My back-head hurts."


Jeanne said...

How cute! I seem to remember other children learning to conduct their tantrums in ways designed to minimize bodily harm. Can't remember WHO, but I remember thinking "He/She isn't dumb!"

Cynthia Camp said...

St Albans? Whee!! Looking forward to that post.

Patricia said...

Hi Starr,

Sounds like your family is thriving!! I LOVE the image of Graham flinging his entire body down to the floor with enough foresight to hold his head up! I can jsut see him now. Not a day goes by when I drive past the Glatt Kosher store, when I think of you...

Marie Rayner said...

awww...poor Graham. My Doug used to throw the most wonderful tantrums. Thankfully he outgrew them!