Saturday, October 17, 2009

Crying Right Now

When you find yourself, you will be beautiful. -- Ruth Reichl's mother.

I'm listening to a Fresh Air interview with Ruth Reichl right now. I've read her first three memoirs & she is currently promoting her fourth. The book is entitled, Not Becoming My Mother.

Who doesn't feel that? (Mom, are you surprised?)

I've been struggling with all the voices in my head. I've heard lots of negative things throughout my life & unfortunately, I've absorbed them to the point that my thoughts are now the self-destroying voice. Just in this week, I've been trying to interrupt the negative words & replace them with kindness.

So, this quote is something I'm going to write up on my wall. I keep trying to find out who I am. And then I will see that I am beautiful.


Lynnea said...

Oh I loved that interview. I have both the new cookbook at the other book on my amazon wish list.

emily said...

Such an inspiring quote, thanks Starr! I can't wait til one day I'm beautiful. : )

Christina said...

The hardest part I think is that I thought I'd know who I was by this point in my life.

Thanks for sharing. :)