Wednesday, April 9, 2008

"I'll Be Late"

It's 10 April 2008, 1:59 a.m. Should I be sleeping? Yes. Do I want to be sleeping. Yes. Will I be sleeping soon? Probably not.

Punctuality is important for me. I find it inconsiderate when there's an appointment that I don't make it to on time. But, I'm far less concerned if other people are running late. I just don't want to be the one who held things up for others.

But for all those who may be keeping track, today is the day: The Official Due Date for Priscilla Rose Turner to make her grand entrance into the world. But, unless something extremely significant happens in the next 22 hours, "I'll be late."


Sarah said...

If Priscilla comes late than it will be an instance that you care about more than the average time. The end is such a mind game. So sorry. And so sorry you can't sleep! Sending labor vibes your way!

Chrislynn said...

All I can say is, I am so sorry. I don't know if there is anything as discouraging as going over the due date. I will also send you "labor vibes".

Tricia said...

I'm so sorry. Each day lasts a month at this stage. Hurry, hurry little Rose.

Mary Beth said...

Starr, I LOVE the name you have chosen! Can't wait to hear when she decides to make her entrance! Hang in there, and enjoy your last few days of not being outnumbered!

Kristin said...

Starr, I love your writing. So well put.